儿童科普类英文动画片《AumSum Time》,国内首推,涉及数学 物理 科学 生物 化学等各方面,采用动画方式生动形象的解释一些知识点,整个动画会有引导和互动,适合亲子们一起学习探索。
儿童科普英文动画AumSum Time视频目录:
1-Archimedes Principle - Why do ships float.mp4
2-Archimedes Principle - Why do we weigh less in water.mp4
3-Are Canned foods Safe.mp4
4-Are Chilies Good for Health.mp4
5-Are Dolphins Smart.mp4
6-Are Earphones harmful.mp4
7-Are Einstein's Gravitational Waves real.mp4
8-Are Frozen foods Safe to eat.mp4
9-Are Nicotine Free E-Cigarettes Harmful.mp4
10-Are Preservatives Bad for you.mp4
20-Can Blind people Dream.mp4
21-Can Cockroaches live without their Heads.mp4
22-Can Dogs detect Cancer.mp4
23-Can Dogs recognize their Moms.mp4
24-Can gargling Saltwater cure Sore Throat.mp4
25-Can jellyfish live forever.mp4
26-Can our Body produce Alcohol.mp4
27-Can pure oxygen kill you.mp4
28-Can Sneezing Pop your Eyes Out.mp4
29-Can Trees Talk.mp4
30-Can we Burp in Space.mp4
31-Can we Taste Food without Saliva.mp4
32-Can we Travel Faster than Light.mp4
33-Can you Hear Colors or See Sounds.mp4
34-Can you solve this Riddle.mp4
35-Concave Mirror - Why is your reflection upside down on a spoon.mp4
36-Convex Lens - Can a magnifying glass burn paper.mp4
37-Density - Why does oil float on water.mp4
38-Coronavirus Myths.mp4
39-Density - Why do firemen crawl in smoke filled rooms.mp4
40-Density - Why does an iron nail float on mercury and sink in water.mp4
41-Diffusion - Why can we smell hot food from a distance.mp4
42-Do Animals Dream.mp4
43-Do Animals live Longer than Humans.mp4
44-Do Bees Dance.mp4
45-Do Grasshoppers Hear through their Belly.mp4
46-Do Plants get Cancer.mp4
47-Do Smartphones make our Eyes Worse.mp4
48-Do you hear Yanny or Laurel.mp4
49-Does it Rain Diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn.mp4
50-Does Octopus have Nine Brains.mp4
51-Earthing - Why do buildings have lightning rods.mp4
52-Forced Vibrations - Why does a guitar have a hollow box.mp4
53-Frequency - Why do women have shriller voices than men.mp4
54-Friction - Why is it difficult to pull a boat on the beach than on the sea.mp4
55-Gravitational Force - Why do you weigh less on the moon.mp4
56-Gravity - Why are planets spherical.mp4
57-Has the Bermuda Triangle mystery been Solved.mp4
58-Hot Shower vs Cold Shower, which is better.mp4
59-How and why do we Cough.mp4
60-How are pearls formed.mp4
61-How are Rainbows formed.mp4
62-How are Smartphones Changing us.mp4
63-How can Parrots Talk like Humans.mp4
64-How can some people Predict Rain.mp4
65-How can we smell things.mp4
66-How do Airbags work.mp4
67-How do Animals Hibernate.mp4
68-How do antacids work.mp4
69-How do antiperspirants work.mp4
70-How do Batteries Work.mp4
71-How do bees make honey.mp4
72-How do Carbohydrates impact our Health.mp4
73How do chameleons change color.mp4
74-How do dolphins sleep.mp4
75-How do Drones Fly.mp4
76-How do ears help with balancing.mp4
77-How do Earthworms Move.mp4
78-How do Electromagnets Work.mp4
79-How do Electron Microscopes (Scanning) Work.mp4
80-How do fireflies glow.mp4
81-How do fish breathe underwater.mp4
82-How do Hormones work.mp4
83-How do Horses Sleep.mp4
84-How do Hurricanes Form.mp4
85-How do igloos keep you warm.mp4
86-How do Microwave Ovens work.mp4
87-How do migratory birds find their way.mp4
88-How do geckos (lizards) stick to walls.mp4
89-How do glasses work.mp4
90-How do Miracle Fruits work.mp4
91-How do Mirrors Work.mp4
92-How do nails grow.mp4
93-How do pain relievers work.mp4
94-How do Portable Oxygen Concentrators Work.mp4
95-How do scars form.mp4
96-How do some Insects Walk on Water.mp4
97-How do Stars form.mp4
98-How do straws work.mp4
99-How do vaccines work.mp4
100-How do we get Lyme Disease.mp4
101-How do we know that our Stomach is Full.mp4
102-How do X-rays work.mp4
103-How does a 3D Printer Work.mp4
104-How does a bone heal.mp4
105How does a Fan give us Cool Air.mp4
106-How does a Hair Dryer Work.mp4
107-How does a Hair Straightener Work.mp4
108-How does a Lie Detector Test Work.mp4
109-How does a Light Bulb Glow.mp4
110-How does a Oximeter Work.mp4
111-How does a plastic comb attract paper.mp4
112-How does a Spider make its web.mp4
113-How does an Air Conditioner Work.mp4
114-How does an Airplane Fly.mp4
115-How does an Electric Bell Work.mp4
116-How does an Electric Fuse Work.mp4
117-How does an Optical Mouse Work.mp4
118-How does an owl fly so silently.mp4
119-How does Anesthesia work.mp4
11-Are Processed foods Safe to Eat.mp4
120-How does blood clot.mp4
121-How does placebo effect work.mp4
122-How does Smoking affect our Lungs.mp4
123-How does Stress affect our Brain.mp4
124-How does the Moon cause Tides.mp4
125-How does Thyroid affect our Weight.mp4
126-How does Water get inside a Coconut.mp4
127-How is coffee decaffeinated.mp4
128-How is the principle of centrifugation helpful in blood banks.mp4
129-How much Percent of our Brain do we use.mp4
12-Are Wisdom Teeth still Useful.mp4
130-How much Water should you Drink per day.mp4
131-How Tall can we Grow.mp4
132-How Tattoo Removal works.mp4
133-How to cut onions Without crying.mp4
134-How to Stop a Sneeze.mp4
135-How was Silk invented.mp4
136-How were French Fries Invented.mp4
137-How were the Pyramids built.mp4
138-Human Tears - Why do onions make you cry.mp4
139-Is Antibacterial soap bad for you.mp4
13-Are you Afraid of Heights.mp4
140-Is Butter Coffee healthy.mp4
141-Is Coffee good for Health.mp4
142-Is Dairy Good or Bad.mp4
143-Is Diabetes Hereditary.mp4
144-Is distilled water safe to drink.mp4
145-Is eating too much Protein Bad.mp4
146-Is Eiffel Tower Taller in Summer.mp4
147-Is Expired Food Safe to eat.mp4
148-Is Fasting Good or Bad for you.mp4
149-Is Fermented Food good for us.mp4
14-Atmospheric Refraction - Why do stars twinkle.mp4
150-Is Gluten bad for you.mp4
151-Is it Bad to Hold our Urine.mp4
152-Is it Safe to Eat Leftovers.mp4
153-Is it Safe to eat Moldy Bread.mp4
154-Is Mars really Red.mp4
155-Is Overcooked food Good for us.mp4
156-Is Radiation Harmful.mp4
157-Is Running Bad for Knees.mp4
158-Is Running on Treadmills Bad.mp4
159-Is Sitting Bad for you.mp4
15-Buoyancy - Can you drown in the dead sea.mp4
160-Is sleeping in Contact Lenses bad.mp4
161-Is spicy food bad for you.mp4
162-Is Sugar bad for you.mp4
163-Is too much Fiber Bad for us.mp4
164-Lateral Inversion - Why is ambulance written in reverse.mp4
165-Lunar Eclipse - Why does the moon turn red.mp4
166-Mitosis - Why does a lizard's tail grow back.mp4
167-Myopia - What causes nearsightedness.mp4
168-Nervous System - Why don't we feel pain when we cut our hair.mp4
169-Neutralization Reaction - How to treat a bee sting.mp4
16-Caffeine - How does coffee keep you awake.mp4
170-Newton's 3rd Law - Why does a swimmer push the water backward.mp4
171-Osmosis - How do fish drink water.mp4
172-Osmosis - Why is grass killed if salt is sprinkled on it.mp4
173-Oxidation - Why do copper vessels turn green.mp4
174-Oxidation - Why do papers turn yellow.mp4
175-Pathogens - Why do we get fever.mp4
176-Protective measures against Coronavirus.mp4
177-Pythagoras Theorem, Fractions, Ratio, Proportion and much more.mp4
178-Rancidity - Why is a bag of chips half full.mp4
179-Red Eye Effect - Why do my eyes glow red in photos.mp4
17-Can animals get a sunburn.mp4
180-Refraction of Light - Why does a pencil look bent in water.mp4
181-Resonance - How does sound break glass.mp4
182-Respiration - Why is it not good to sleep under a tree at night.mp4
183-s too much Salt Bad for us.mp4
184-Science of Snowflakes.mp4
185-Shadow, Rust, Pollination, Magnetic Compass, Neutralization and much more.mp4
186-Should Everyone wear Masks.mp4
187-Should we drink Fruit Juices.mp4
188-Should we Workout when we have Cold.mp4
189-Snake vs Mongoose, who wins.mp4
18-Can animals predict natural disasters.mp4
190-Specific Heat of Water - Why is water used in hot water bags.mp4
191-Sublimation - Why do mothballs disappear over time.mp4
192-Surface Tension - Why are drops spherical.mp4
193-Symptoms of Coronavirus.mp4
194-Taste Buds - Why mint tastes cold.mp4
195-The Carbon Cycle.mp4
196-The Human Heart.mp4
197-Thermal Expansion - Why are gaps left between railway tracks.mp4
198-Transpiration - Why do cacti have spines.mp4
199-Turgor Pressure - Why does a Touch Me Not plant close.mp4
19-Can Bananas cause Radiation Poisoning.mp4
200-Tyndall Effect - Why does the sky appear blue.mp4
529-Why is bird poop white.mp4
530-Why is blood red in color.mp4
531-Why is curd not stored in copper containers.mp4
532-Why is dry ice so dangerous.mp4
533-Why is Equator Hot but Poles are Cold.mp4
534-Why is Fiber Important for us.mp4
535-Why is fluoride added to water.mp4
536-Why is glass transparent.mp4
537-Why is Grass Green.mp4
538-Why is Hot water Harmful for Fish.mp4
539-Why is Ice Slippery.mp4
540-Why is it difficult to cut with a blunt knife.mp4
541-Why is it difficult to lose Belly Fat.mp4
542-Why is it easier to burn dry leaves but not green leaves.mp4
543-Why is it hard to cure Alzheimer's disease.mp4
544-Why is it hard to Cure Cancer.mp4
545-Why is it hard to cure Common Cold.mp4
546-Why is it hard to Cure HIV or AIDS.mp4
547-Why is landing on Mars so difficult.mp4
548-Why is nuclear fusion not used to generate electricity.mp4
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